A Southern Fried Mess

Insanity is a southern necessity…

What’s up with that?

Yesterday was Monday…the Monday before payday. Which just means in short that it’s penny pinching time especially when it comes to dinner.  On those days we have the usual: Ramen noodles.  I make a huge pot of it with grilled cheese sandwiches on the side or something along those lines (yesterday it was served with fried okra).

As we were preparing our meal, my son asked me a question:  “Why are the noodles so long?”  It got me to thinking, why are they so long?  Wouldn’t it be easier t make them shorter?  It should would make them a heck of a lot easier to eat as you wouldn’t have to spend so much time ‘slurping’ up the darn things up.  They must be at least two feet long each. I bet you could circle the globe, laying them end to end, with just one package.

Maybe they are designed that way so that you have to take longer to eat therefore you mind and body get fuller faster…or something like that. Or does it have to do with packaging? Could it be a government conspiracy to cover up the Kennedy assassination? Is it all due to space aliens taking our cows?

Does anybody know?


January 20, 2009 Posted by | family, food, humor, life, Uncategorized | , , | 3 Comments